Namita Modi is a Registered Architect and LEED accredited professional in NY and nJ for over 25 years. she has designed over 100 private residential, Passive House, affordable housing, rural conservation and, and sustainable prototype projects throughout the United states. her work has been published in numerous architectural publications and she has spoken on design panels throughout her career. Namita received her M.Arch degree from the University of Pennsylvania and BA from Barnard College, Columbia University. She practices architecture in the New York city region and is a mentor to students of architecture locally. currently, she chairs the AIANY Committee on residential architecture, one of 27 knowledge committees at the center for architecture in nyc.
MAD+FAB is an architectural design and fabrication Studio that creates healthy living environments for people through ecologically driven building and product design. in addition to designs for the built environment, the studio has recently designed concepts for small-scaled interactive installations that will bring awareness to health and environmental issues in american cities. open air lab (oal) is a project for nyc aimed at improving air quality in public urban spaces by democratizing access to clean air.